Who are you going to call? As we get older it is often recommended that we go to an estate attorney to prepare a will and other estate documents. Scary terms are thrown around like probate, estate taxes, trusts, per stirpes and statutory. We know that we want to take care of our family and other loved ones after we are gone, but what is the difference between an Estate and … [Read more...]

How Long Should I Save Bills, Receipts, and Other Papers?
What should I do with mom and dad's financial statements, bills, important papers? In my work helping people with bill paying and organization, I continue to be surprised by how much paper people keep. Most needlessly hang on too many records and too much paper, including utility bills, credit card statements and receipts for years-old purchases. Before setting up files … [Read more...]
Keep Financial and Investment Information in One Place
The Value of an Estate Book We all know how difficult losing a loved one can be. For survivors, this grief can be compounded by frustration if the affairs of our loved one is in disarray. One way you can ensure family and friends do not experience this frustration, is to set up an Estate Book for yourself. Your Estate Book is a record of all your financial and investment … [Read more...]
Identity Theft Safeguard
Protecting Digital Assets After a Death In addition to dealing with the emotional upheaval when someone dies, we all have a digital footprint that needs to be removed. Each of us that is even somewhat active online, has a lot of private information out there including: address history, birth date, financial institutions, social security numbers and other detailed information. … [Read more...]
Beware of Medical Identity Theft
What is medical identity theft and how can you prevent it? Medical Identity theft occurs when a thief uses your name and health identity to get exams and treatments, get prescriptions or other care services. You may think this only affects the insurance company, but it can have devastating effects on you as well. The thief’s information will get mixed in with your own. When … [Read more...]