Julie, you won! You will receive several years of Caregiving for your father after his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. On top of that, you will begin to provide care and oversight for your mother as she slowly declines with physical issues, as well as a different form of dementia! Seriously, it exhausts me if I allow myself to be transported to the thick of those days. To say I was … [Read more...]
“Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated if you start with self-compassion.” Nicole Smith
I recall my grandpa stretched out on the family room floor. He was snoring. Grandma explained that the hard floor helped ease his back pain. We continued with our coloring books and board games while grandpa snoozed. I added this reclining respite tactic to my repertoire when my kids were young. I birthed five children in the span of ten years. I was usually pregnant or … [Read more...]
Tips To Improve Focus And Memory.
This meme is going around social media right now. I giggled when I first saw it, but then thought, “Wait, this isn’t that funny, it actually worries me.” … [Read more...]
Medicare Advantage Plans Have Been Denying Needed Care.
Medicare Advantage plans provide Medicare benefits for millions of seniors that use Medicare for their healthcare needs. For the majority of Medicare Advantage enrollees, their coverage takes care of their needs, and they have few issues with the coverage. Unfortunately, there are times when a procedure or service can be denied. Today we’re going to discuss what it means to … [Read more...]
Hospital at Home. What is it and how does it work?
For family caregivers, the devil is in the details. The Hospital at Home model has been around since 1995, but in the time of COVID, it is gaining traction. Hospital at Home gives acute care that would normally be given in a hospital to patients in their homes. Generally, it includes intravenous therapy (mainly antibiotics), anticoagulation, wound care and chemotherapy … [Read more...]