Teepa Snow is a world-renowned dementia specialist who is leading the charge to ensure that anyone can use proven techniques to interact and work with someone living with a progressive brain disease. Through her company Positive Approach to Care, Teepa creates resources for family and professional caregivers, the medical community and others via YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, … [Read more...]
Can Horticulture Therapy Offer Tangible Benefits For Your Elder With Dementia?
I recently met someone who became a horticulture therapist after leaving the field of education. I was intrigued by our discussion and the therapeutic power of gardening for our elders. The practice of horticulture for therapy and rehabilitation gained traction in the 1940s and 1950s as part of the rehabilitative care for hospitalized war veterans. Today, you will find … [Read more...]
Why is it Easier to Have a Quality-of-Life Discussion with My Vet, Than My Doctor?
Years ago when my dog, Josh, became ill he was diagnosed with several tumors. The initial diagnosis was a UTI, pancreatitis and colitis, but an X-ray taken as part of diagnostics was cloudy. The ultrasound clearly showed tumors and a slow bleed from one of them. It was the last thing I expected. I don’t think there is anything worse than going from a waiting room to a small … [Read more...]
Are You Putting Off Grief or Finally Living Your Life?
2023 was the year when, for the first time, I was able to really concentrate on my business. It feels good to see everything that was accomplished and gratifying to look back at the family caregivers whose lives I was able to touch. It felt like I was finally reclaiming my life. So, if 2023 was such a good year, why was the start of 2024 hard personally and professionally? … [Read more...]
“I’m only leaving this house feet first.”
Recently, I had a conversation with Rosanne Corcoran, past caregiver for her mom and host of Daughterhood the Podcast. Rosanne lost her mom about a year before I did and, like me, is still struggling with grief and trying to answer the questions every caregiver faces at the end of our journey. "What is my purpose? What am I good for now?” During our dinner, Rosann looked at … [Read more...]