The Carefull Solution Carefull is a new digital technology service that gives caregivers responsible for paying bills, cutting costs, guard against fraud and negotiate with insurance companies their loved ones full financial picture. This really caught my attention since finances are a big part of my caregiving responsibilities for mom. We have the same service providers and … [Read more...]
Strategies For The Holidays That Caregivers Can Sustain.
Theresa Willbanks - Sustainable Caregiving Let me introduce you to my colleague, friend and fellow Certified Caregiving Consultant, Theresa Wilbanks. Theresa was a long-distance caregiver for her mom and is currently an in-home caregiver for her father who recently celebrated his 99th birthday. Theresa believes that in order for us to be able to sustain our caregiving … [Read more...]
Caring Our Way – a new network that supports turning “your mess into your message.”
Anything that can help connect me to support, help me turn difficulty into resilience and allow me to share the wisdom I gain during these difficult winter months is high on my list of resources. Which is why I joined Caring Our Way. Caring Our Way is a new Mighty Network Community hosted by Denise M. Brown. As Denise says, “What challenges you during your life becomes the … [Read more...]
Surprise! Mom loves her Echo Dot and often tells me what Alexa said to her that day.
Assistive technology can make a huge difference in the life of your elder. Last year, I told the story of getting Mom to agree to have an Echo Dot in her home. Along with having multiple conversations over time – the drip method – her motivation for going from no to yes was a free trial period with the ability to keep it. Boy how things have changed. She now has three in … [Read more...]
Sixty-three and NOW I Join the Sandwich Generation?
How in God’s name do you people do it? The typical sandwich generation definition is middle-aged adults often in their 40’s and 50’s who care for aging parents and their own children. Currently, about twelve percent of parents are part of this group according to data from the Pew Research Center. This new life has a huge impact on work, finances, relationships and a sandwich … [Read more...]