I still can’t wrap my head around being able to take a vacation. I have friends in California who cruise to the most amazing places. I am happy to hear about their plans for the next cruise through the Mediterranean or the Panama Canal and how cool it is to visit Antarctica. But I must admit, as happy as I was for them, I was jealous as well. It wasn’t just the amazing … [Read more...]
The Feeling of Waiting for The Other Shoe to Drop Does Not End When Caregiving Ends.
Fight, Flight or Freeze (Acute Stress Response) are all psychological trauma responses that caregivers know well. You hear caregivers say, “I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop.” That’s because we are constantly on edge waiting for the next crisis that will upend our life and require interaction with the healthcare system, insurance company, home care agency or … [Read more...]
How Do I Reclaim My Life Now That Caregiving Has Ended?
When we become caregivers, so much of our life is put on hold. Then when it ends, we realize how profoundly the experience of caregiving changes us. The question I’ve been struggling with lately is how do I want to live my life now? How do I renew my life in a way that honors who I am today? Do I want to take back the pieces I put on hold or try something different? I am … [Read more...]
Incontinence: One of the last taboo subjects.
The medical implications of incontinence are the worst part of this condition. When I sneeze, I sneeze at least eight times in a row. I can remember my Aunt Mary Ellen saying to me, “Oh good, you sneeze just like me, get ready, cause when you get older, you’re gonna start peeing when you sneeze.” She was right. Why is incontinence still such a taboo subject, despite all … [Read more...]
Why is Occupational and Physical Therapy in Assisted Living Communities a Standard Practice?
One of the things I did not expect when Mom moved into her AL community was that she would start physical therapy and occupational therapy almost immediately. At first, I thought it was ‘event based’ and the change in her living situation was the event. I learned, however, the reason is for the safety and comfort of new residents as well as to serve as a baseline for the … [Read more...]