If you think the alphabet soup of care facilities is confusing, let’s talk about payment. Note: Healthcare payments are constantly changing. This article summarizes the status as of September 2018, is geared toward those over 75 and deals with primarily with Medicare. This is not a comprehensive analysis / reporting of private insurance regulation. (Jump to Acute Care … [Read more...]
Acute Care (Hospital), Inpatient Acute Rehabilitation (IRF), Sub-Acute, SNF, LTC, LTAC – The Alphabet Soup of Care Facilities.
What is the difference between all these care facilities? When you are ill, or recovering from being ill, chances are you will spend time in what healthcare terms “A Care Facility”. The highest level of care is found in an Acute Care Hospital. If your health issues are resolved, you are discharged to home with no additional care needed. If you do need additional care, the … [Read more...]
Getting Access to Medical Records
What challenges might you enounter, given HIPAA regulations? [Part 2 of 2] Part 1 of this blog described when you might want to get copies of your, or your parent’s, health records. It also discussed the critical federal law, HIPAA, and how the resulting privacy rule assures that patients have appropriate access. Part 2 gives you the practical details about getting … [Read more...]
HIPAA Rights Go Beyond Talking To Your Parent’s Doctors
As your parent's advocate, with HIPAA you have the right to obtain records. [Part 1 of 2] Managing your own health care, much less a parent’s care, can quickly become complicated as health problems arise. When we’re young and healthy, an annual physical checkup, a few screening tests, a dental cleaning, and an eye exam are easy to manage over a year. But as I recently … [Read more...]
Mom Has Dementia And Sexuality Is Still In Play.
Wait, What? Why? Parents and sexuality. Here are two words that adult children don’t want to put together or acknowledge. Add to that the word dementia and you go from TMI to complete disbelief and feelings that are incredibly difficult to process. I had the good fortune to hear Rebekah Wilson of Aging Care Coach, LLC present on just this topic: Sexuality in Dementia. … [Read more...]