“It’s easier to look back at an event and see a better choice or pathway because we already learned from our experience. Hindsight happens after the lessons, so we can’t condemn ourselves for not knowing the lesson before we learned it.” Emily Maroutian. Caregiving is a series of lessons, some of which come at us fast and furiously, like when we are suddenly responsible for … [Read more...]
I never promised mom… Then why do I feel so guilty?
When your head knows it’s the right decision, but your heart is breaking. One of my promises to myself when I became mom’s caregiver is that I would never promise her anything unless I was 100% sure I could deliver. It is why I never promised her I could always keep her in our family home. My expectation was that at some point she would need to be in a wheelchair and, given … [Read more...]
Caregiver Guilt: Let Me Count the Ways
Then learn how to say no to it. In a previous blog I talked about the guilt I feel when I’m in a bad mood and take it out on mom. She feels like I snapped her head off and this takes away from the time we have together. Full disclosure: that’s not the only time I feel guilty. Here’s the thing about being a caregiver. Guilt is a never-ending niggle in your brain. Am I doing … [Read more...]