One family's story of financial elder abuse. You have worked with an estate planning attorney to have all your loved one’s legal documents complete: Last Will & Testament, Financial Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directive. You have all the provisions in place in the event your loved one becomes incapacitated with the prognosis of death. Thank heavens that was done, because … [Read more...]
Caregiver Self-Care. Taking My Own Advice.
Some self-care resources that don't cost money. I’m going radio silent for a couple of days. No social media, no business emails or phone calls. I have not unplugged like this in years, I’ll let you know how it goes. For the first time in six years, since Dad got sick, I’m taking real time off from my life, all of it, even caregiving. It’s taken a lot of work to set up my … [Read more...]
What Help is Available for Mom in a Disaster? Where Can I Find Up to the Minute Information in an Emergency?
What state and county services need to know about your seniors needs in a national emergency? Given the record number of floods, fires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters occurring across the United States, I’ve been giving some thought to how I can ensure mom and I are prepared. I put the pieces of this complex puzzle together with the help of Kelly Boyd, Access & … [Read more...]
Resource for Caregivers: As We Celebrate Those Who Died in Active Military Service, Let Us Hold Up Their Caregiver’s Past and Present.
Here is a list of resources and articles that can help caregivers of our veterans. Financial Help: The Veterans Benefit for Long-Term Care More Caregivers for Veterans to Be Eligible for Stipends Help for Family Caregivers: The Growing Crisis of Veteran Family Caregivers Elizabeth Dole Foundation The End of-Life Care That Veterans Need Caregiving and … [Read more...]
PTSD & Trauma Caregiving: How to Cope While Helping Your Loved One Heal
Traumatic memories can resurface in a loved one, especially during or after a hospitalization. When our daughter joined our family six years ago via a special needs international adoption, we knew our lives would change dramatically. We knew things would be hard. We knew we’d join the ranks of sleep-deprived parents around the world. We knew we couldn’t do it … [Read more...]