It really does help relieve caregiver stress.
As I was leaving Brooklyn Friday afternoon at 4:30, Mom’s caregiver called. Her brother had emergency surgery and he was not doing well. One half of my brain was assuring her that I would come up and stay with mom for the weekend. The other half was calculating how long it would take me to get back to NJ in Friday afternoon traffic, pack, pick up Josh from doggie daycare and get to Mom’s house. In case you’re interested, it took me four hours.
Stressed? Oh yeah. But I had recently read an online article from about using music to reduce stress.
Neuroscientists in the UK compiled a list of ten songs that can be used for well-being and health improvement. The top song “Weightless” was created by the group Marconi Union in collaboration with sound therapists to slow your heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower cortisol levels. In a study out of Mindlab International, “Weightless” resulted in a 65 percent decrease in anxiety overall and a 35 percent reduction in resting rates.
I decided to try it when I arrived at Mom’s house on Friday. It really did work. About half way through my clenched jaw relaxed, my body relaxed, and I felt rested when I got up. Even Joshie liked it. “Weightless” is now on my phone and a go to for caregiver stress and daily meditation.
It’s a terrific article; I urge you to read it. If nothing else, listen to the eight-minute piece of “Weightless” and see if it works for you. The author includes links to the top ten playlist coming out of the research and a link to a downloadable public play list of the full versions of these songs on Spotify. There is also a link to a 10-hour version of “Weightless”.
Inc. article: Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent
Disclaimer: The material in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace, nor does it replace, consulting with a physician, lawyer, accountant, financial planner or other qualified professional.