Theresa Willbanks – Sustainable Caregiving
Let me introduce you to my colleague, friend and fellow Certified Caregiving Consultant, Theresa Wilbanks. Theresa was a long-distance caregiver for her mom and is currently an in-home caregiver for her father who recently celebrated his 99th birthday.
Theresa believes that in order for us to be able to sustain our caregiving role, we need to embrace being fluid by knowing our options and resources and leveraging them at the right time. She believes that to be able to sustain our life as a caregiver requires self-care.
I agree 100% which is why I loved her recent blog “7 Holiday Sustainable Caregiving Strategies.” I love it because she admits to keeping up holiday rituals that were completely unsustainable, something I have done as well. I also appreciate how she owns her own expectations, particularly the ones that anticipated criticism.
Her suggestions for the Holidays “pandemic style” are terrific and can be found in this article: 7 Holiday Sustainable Caregiving Strategies. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The material in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace, nor does it replace, consulting with a physician, lawyer, accountant, financial planner or other qualified professional.
Deb is available as a caregiver consultant. She will answer the question: “Where do I start?” and find the resources to alleviate your stress. If you would like to invest a half hour to learn how she can help you, please contact her at: Free 30 minute consulting call