Sponsored Blog Post Elder Orphans: "An older person who is socially or physically isolated, without an available family member or caregiver to help them manage aging." A recent study from the University of Michigan found that an estimated 22% of all American over 65-years-old are at a significant risk of becoming an elder orphan. This is mainly due to the amount of people … [Read more...]
Disenrollment from Medicare Advantage Plans is possible between January 1 and February 14.
Healthcare after age 65 can be confusing and complex. During a short window of time, no matter where you live in the country, you can disenroll from an Advantage plan and return to traditional Medicare. Why would you want to disenroll from an Advantage Plan? According to Phoebe Shagan, RN, CCM of Reliable Health Solutions, LLC, it is often a case of “I just found out…” or … [Read more...]
How Can Family Help Seniors Adjust to Assisted Living?
Moving to an assisted living facility, even when voluntary, can be hard for your senior. How can family members help loved ones adjust to assisted living? It is the question I put to Jennifer Sallis, who lived 1,000 miles from her mom, and still helped her to adjust. (Jump to Lessons Learned) I never met Carol Sallis, but Jennifer paints a joyous picture of her mother. … [Read more...]
The Retirement Planning Challenges Women Face Are Many
And Caregiving Can Take a Financial Toll. Deb's note: I asked Jane Gore to write this article because the statistics for caregivers are staggering: the average income lost by caregivers each year is a whopping 33%. It is never to late to plan for your retirement and as your circumstances change, revisit any plan that is currently in place. Jane Gore MBA, RICP of Nolan … [Read more...]
Is It Signs of Dementia or Information Overload? Exercising Your Brain Will Help Keep It Fit.
Lifestyle Changes Can Guard Against Dementia. A poll taken in the UK shows that two thirds of people over the age of 50 fear they will develop dementia, while just one in ten said they were frightened about getting cancer. These statistics don’t surprise me, since I would be one of the two thirds in that poll. The number of times I walk into a room and forgot why I’m there … [Read more...]