Understanding Medicare Part D. For over 40 years, Medicare offered no retail prescription drug coverage. Can you imagine? While Medicare Part B has always covered medications administered in a doctor’s office or hospital setting, just a few years ago our nation’s seniors often paid 100% out of pocket for their outpatient medications. It was not uncommon for people to … [Read more...]
The Retirement Planning Challenges Women Face Are Many
And Caregiving Can Take a Financial Toll. Deb's note: I asked Jane Gore to write this article because the statistics for caregivers are staggering: the average income lost by caregivers each year is a whopping 33%. It is never to late to plan for your retirement and as your circumstances change, revisit any plan that is currently in place. Jane Gore MBA, RICP of Nolan … [Read more...]
Is It Signs of Dementia or Information Overload? Exercising Your Brain Will Help Keep It Fit.
Lifestyle Changes Can Guard Against Dementia. A poll taken in the UK shows that two thirds of people over the age of 50 fear they will develop dementia, while just one in ten said they were frightened about getting cancer. These statistics don’t surprise me, since I would be one of the two thirds in that poll. The number of times I walk into a room and forgot why I’m there … [Read more...]
Diagnosed with Cancer? Worried About Treatment Options and Side Effects?
Being a cancer survivor is like being part of a club you never want to join. But you don't want to lose your membership either. I am blessed in this new career of mine, to meet professionals that are caring, collaborative, and supportive. And then you run across an organization like Cancer Hope Network (CHN) and my gratitude meter goes off the charts. Getting a cancer … [Read more...]
Slow Down To Your Senior’s Pace. They Need It And So Do You.
When Dealing with Aging Parents Patience is a Virtue. Start Practicing. Someone once told me, “Don’t ask God for patience, you’ll be put in situations that test you repeatedly.” I wish I had listened. Mom has slowed down considerably. Don’t get me wrong, she is still mentally sharp, but physically? At 87, being with her means doing things on “mom time” and it can try my … [Read more...]