How does it work? Medicare and Medicaid formularies influence your discharge plan For insurance to pay for an acute care hospital stay, a post-acute care facility or a long-term care facility, there must be a “skillable” need. (e.g. Care requiring the skill of a licensed physician, nurse, physical and/or occupational therapist.) It can't be over stated that Medicare only … [Read more...]
Hospital Discharge – How Does It Work?
What does a hospital discharge planning team do? Every hospital has a discharge planning team made up of nurse care managers and social workers. Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Registered Nurses and Pharmacists are brought in as needed. This team is responsible for the documentation that proves you require the care/treatments given by licensed nurses or … [Read more...]
Rehabilitation after Surgery, Stroke or Hospital Stay
What happens if you still need help after a hospital stay? It is common to need help to regain strength, manage a chronic illness, or re-learn activities of daily living after a hospital stay. But who determines what type of rehabilitation is needed? Who determines if help at home or in a facility is best? What are the criteria for release to a rehabilitation facility as set … [Read more...]
Change to Medicare Card Helps Prevent Identity Theft
Don’t keep your Medicare card in your wallet. 36 percent of people 50 years and older are the victims of Identity Theft. This “mature market” is the single largest group for all ID Theft. (Association of Mature American Citizens 1/14) (Jump to Lessons Learned) Guest contributor Nancy Sobin has addressed this issue before in an article on … [Read more...]
How Long Should I Save Bills, Receipts, and Other Papers?
What should I do with mom and dad's financial statements, bills, important papers? In my work helping people with bill paying and organization, I continue to be surprised by how much paper people keep. Most needlessly hang on too many records and too much paper, including utility bills, credit card statements and receipts for years-old purchases. Before setting up files … [Read more...]